Arif Patel: Businessman-Turned-Philanthropist Launches Social Impact Investing In The UAE

Arif Patel, a successful businessman dedicated to philanthropy, hails from the UAE and has become a prominent figure in global charitable endeavours within the Muslim community. Coming from a family with a strong business background in India, Arif started his entrepreneurial journey by founding the prestigious Preston Trading Company. His exceptional accomplishments in the investment field have earned him recognition as one of the top 10 executives of an investment company in the UK.

Arif Patel, a successful businessman with extensive experience in real estate and textiles, has now turned his attention to investing in startups in the UAE. Using his knowledge and resources, he aims to support emerging businesses focusing on making a positive social impact. However, it is his philanthropic endeavours that truly define him. Arif Patel is widely recognised and respected in his community for his charitable work, which has earned him admiration and appreciation.

The Philanthropic Journey Of Arif Patel:

Arif Patel’s philanthropic journey began with a strong desire to make a positive difference in society and help those in need. He recognised the importance of addressing various areas such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and community development to achieve holistic development. Arif’s efforts extend beyond specific regions or communities, as he believes in the power of unity and collaboration. He has formed strategic partnerships with like-minded organisations and individuals who share his vision and passion for social welfare to further his mission. Through these collaborations, they have amplified the impact of their initiatives and reached a wider audience, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Local And Global Impact:

Arif Patel has significantly impacted the lives of underprivileged individuals through his contributions to various NGOs. His philanthropic efforts have not only made a difference locally, but they have also had a global reach. Arif’s dedication to helping others has earned him widespread recognition and appreciation.

Arif Patel is highly regarded in his community for his philanthropic endeavours, which have earned him widespread recognition and admiration. He has consistently shown his dedication to social welfare through various initiatives, focusing on improving healthcare access in underserved communities. One notable example of his efforts is his leadership in donating an ambulance to the Adivasi community in Manipur, ensuring they can access timely medical assistance in remote areas. Additionally, he has distributed 300 bags of food to address hunger and provide essential sustenance to the Adivasi community. These initiatives have provided immediate relief and laid the groundwork for long-term, sustainable change.

Arif Patel: Empowering Women And Economic Growth

Arif Patel has been instrumental in promoting economic empowerment among women in the UAE and India. One of his notable contributions is the donation of sewing machines to women’s communities, allowing them to acquire valuable skills and pursue self-employment opportunities. This initiative has fostered independence and financial stability for these women and has also significantly promoted gender equality and socioeconomic growth. Additionally, Arif Patel invests in textile-based startups that further facilitate women’s individual growth and empowerment.

Global Humanitarian Initiatives:

Arif Patel’s philanthropic efforts go beyond the UAE and India. He partnered with the Tayyab Trust and organised a feedathon initiative in Madagascar to address hunger among underprivileged children. This collaborative effort successfully provided 7,500 meals, bringing much-needed relief to those in need. In Afghanistan, Arif also made significant contributions by serving 3,000 cooked meals and distributing winter relief kits to help individuals and families cope with the harsh cold climate. These endeavours have brought comfort and protection to those facing challenging winter conditions.

Supporting Widows And Education:

Arif Patel is dedicated to supporting widows, especially in West Bengal, India. In India, where there are over 40 million widows, this community often lacks support from the government and charitable organisations. Understanding the difficulties faced by widows, Arif took the initiative to fund the construction of a new home for a deserving family, offering them a place of shelter, hope, and stability. Throughout his career, he has continued to provide funding for housing for widows and education for orphans, supporting various institutions that focus on widow welfare.

Responding To The Covid-19 Pandemic:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Arif Patel took action to support individuals facing financial difficulties. Understanding the challenges faced by the unskilled workforce, he generously provided vending carts filled with merchandise to more than 1000 people in need. This initiative was designed to help those who had lost their jobs during the pandemic by allowing them to engage in small-scale entrepreneurship. Arif Patel’s efforts aimed to empower individuals and provide them with a means to make a living during these challenging times.

During the pandemic, Arif Patel and his team worked tirelessly to provide opportunities for uneducated individuals to earn income and support their families basic needs.

Impact On Children’s Well-Being And Healthcare:

Arif Patel has profoundly impacted the well-being and healthcare of children in Dubai. His efforts have been centred around empowering women and ensuring children have access to proper nutrition, recognising these factors’ crucial role in shaping a better future. Furthermore, Patel has shown great generosity in supporting the welfare of sick and ailing patients in Dubai hospitals, demonstrating his dedication to the community’s overall well-being. In addition to his philanthropic work abroad, Patel’s contributions to his local community have touched the lives of numerous individuals.

Arif Patel’s Vision And Inspiration:

Arif Patel’s philanthropic efforts have significantly impacted numerous lives through his generous donation of 100,000 AED. When questioned about his dedication to philanthropy, Patel expresses his belief in the importance of uplifting communities and positively impacting society. He sees giving back as both a responsibility and a privilege and hopes to inspire other entrepreneurs to do the same. By combining our resources, Patel envisions a world where everyone has equal access to essential resources and opportunities for personal growth.


Arif Patel is a remarkable individual who is a shining example of the transformative power of compassion and empathy in society. Through his unwavering dedication to social welfare and philanthropy, he has inspired people from all walks of life. His tireless efforts to bring about positive change have touched the lives of countless individuals and communities, offering them hope, opportunities, and the prospect of a brighter future. 

Notably, Arif Patel has recently garnered attention in the industry for his plans to mentor and provide funding for startups that prioritise improving social impact. He firmly believes that the businesses of the future will be those that prioritise social responsibility and measure their success by the positive impact they create. 

For those aspiring philanthropists and entrepreneurs who wish to connect with him, Arif Patel can be reached via email at